Bulgarian motorway vignette

Bulgarian motorway vignette

October 07, 2022

In Bulgaria, as in many other countries, the purchase of motorway vignette is required on highways and when entering most first-class highways. Bulgarian highway stickers can be redeemed for one year, three months, one month, and one week. motorway vignette can also be purchased separately for the weekend. In 2019, the electronic highway sticker and road user fees were introduced in Bulgaria, from the time of its entry into force, stickers and certificates no longer need to be affixed or displayed on the vehicle's windshield.

The toll control system is based on modern technologies that enable convenient payment and control methods while not interfering with the free movement of vehicles.

Discounts are also available for Bulgarian motorway stickers. You do not need to buy a highway sticker, for example, for people with a disability certificate of 50% or more, as well as for people and families who raise a child with a permanent disability up to the age of 18 and a secondary education. They can request a free electronic sticker for one year, free of charge.

On the Bulgarian highways, the mandatory purchase of sticker law is in force, according to which it is necessary to purchase a sticker even for vehicles with a total weight of up to 3.5 tons. These are vehicles with at least four wheels intended for passenger transport, vehicles with at least four wheels intended for the transport of goods and off-road vehicles.

Vehicles designed for semi-trailers are vehicles with more than two axles, designed for the transport of goods, regardless of the number of axles and whether a semi-trailer is connected. In the case of highway use with a trailer, if the permissible total weight of the towing vehicle exceeds 3.5 tons, the motorway vignette fee according to the Bulgarian tariff must be paid for the trailer belonging to the same vehicle class.

Toll roads in Bulgaria include A1 Trakia highway Sofia-Burgas, A2 highway Hemus Sofia-Varna, A3 highway Struma Sofia-Kulata, Promachonas (Greece border), A4 Maritsa highway Plovdiv-Svilengrad (Turkey-Greece border), A5 highway Cherno More Varna-Burgas, A6 Lyulin highway Sofia-Daskalovo-Struma, E 70 highway Chumen-Varna, E79 highway Botevgrad-Sofia, E80 highway Sofia-Plovdiv-Orizovo.

The length of the A1 motorway is approximately 360 km. The highway connects Sofia with Plovdiv, Burgas and the Black Sea holiday destinations, especially the Sunny Beach, which causes a significant increase in traffic in the summer. The highway connects to the Sofia ring road, from where the A2 highway departs in the direction of Varna, and the A3 highway creates a direct expressway connection with Greece. The length of the A2 highway is 433 km, which is a valley bridge over the Hemus, above Stolnik and Eleshnitsa. The A3 motorway is part of the European trade route, which runs from Miskolc in Hungary to Thessaloniki. The total length of the highway is 172 km. The A4, otherwise known as the Marica highway, is a four-lane road with a length of 117 km. The planned length of the A5 motorway is 103 km. The A6 highway is only 19 kilometers long and runs from Sofia to Pernik.

The toll sections of the so-called first-class roads in Bulgaria are E70 Ruse-Chumen, E79 Vidin-Botevgrad, E79 Sofia-Kerek, E80 Serbia-Kalotina-Sofia, E80 Orezovo-Haskovo-Svilengrad-Kapitan Andreevo-Turkey, E83 Byala-Pleven-Botevgrad , E85 Ruse-Byala-Veliko Tarnovo-Stara Zagora-Haskovo, E85 Svilengrad-Greece, E87 Romania-Shabla-Varna-Burgas-Malko Tarnovo-Turkey, E772 Yablanitsa-Veliko Tarnovo-Chumen, E772 Popovitsa-Stara Zagora-Sliven-Burgas .

When purchasing an electronic Bulgarian motorway vignette or route card on a website or through a terminal, the vehicle's license plate number must be entered in Latin and Cyrillic letters, if it is also indicated on the registration. If the registration number contains hyphens, periods or spaces, they do not need to be entered.

When purchasing the electronic Bulgarian motorway vignette, the driver, operator, or owner of the vehicle is responsible for filling in the correct data. If the data of the vehicle's license plate number, category, or the duration of motorway vignette are incorrect, it is considered to be incorrect data provision, and it must be considered that the Bulgarian highway sticker was not exchanged for the vehicle. And this, as in all countries, in Bulgaria also entails a fine, which is sent to the address according to the registration number, anywhere in the world.

The official Bulgarian motorway vignette can be purchased here in the shop.

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