Czech Republic, attractions

Czech Republic, attractions

March 17, 2023

Czech Republic motorway vignette, sights

The fastest and easiest way to Prague is via the D1 highway, since the starting point of the highway itself is located here, and you can also easily reach the second largest city in the Czech Republic, Brno.

The Czech capital has earned the title of the most beautiful city in the world, which it received because of its atmospheric, spectacular and impressive attractions. It cannot be overlooked that UNESCO also obtained one of its most prestigious titles, World Heritage. As is well known, the Czech province was never uninhabited, since prehistoric finds were also discovered in these areas, where cities were later built and beautified. The most visited places in Prague include the Old Town, the Orloj clock tower, the Church of Our Lady before the Tyn, the Charles Bridge with St. Vitus Cathedral, the Royal Palace and Golden Street), as well as the romantic Little Side.

Charles Bridge

The intimate Charles Bridge is the main attraction of Prague due to its robust size, as it is 516 meters long and 10 meters wide. Its atmosphere is truly fairytale-like in the sun with portrait painters, street musicians, stunt performers and young people.  

This bridge is the oldest in the Czech province, as it was first made of wood in 1402. was completed, and until the end of the 18th century it was the only bridge on the Moldavia. The Charles Bridge boasts 30 sculptures, most of which were made in the 17th century. Nowadays, not only the original statues are visible, because they tried to protect them as much as possible from the weather and tourists. Regardless, it is definitely worth admiring the ancestors in the Czech National Museum.

At the ends of the bridge, a tower emerges: the Mala Strana and the 14th century Old Town bridge tower, which also function as a lookout point.

Dancing house

The office building, built between 1994-1996 and designed by the Slovenian Vlado Milunic and the American Frank O. Gehry, sets a strong mirror with the view of historic Prague's historical landmarks with its modernity. Admired from a distance, the figure of a dancing couple comes to life. Many people just call it "drunk house" or, after the famous dancing couple Fred and Ginger, also called Fred and Ginger house. The building itself depicts a significant transition in Czech history: the transition from socialism to parliamentary democracy. In addition to a beautiful view, on the top floor you can also enjoy a light coffee.

Moravian karst

The Moravian Karst, located 30 kilometers from Brno, can be reached most easily from Blansko on road 379. This natural wonder is the most popular environment for hikers. This area was declared a nature conservation zone in 1956. More than 1,000 caves can be visited in the Moravian Karst, and in many places it is also possible to admire stalactite formations. 

The Amateur Cave located here is ideal for those who want to go hiking or cycling in the fresh air in wonderful landscapes.

The official Czech motorway vignette can be purchased here in the shop.

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