Slovenia attractions

Slovenia attractions

August 17, 2022

Sights of Slovenia

Travelers to Slovenia do not travel to this place specifically for the beach, although the azure coast, which stretches for 47 kilometers and is surrounded by charming towns, cannot be neglected. It is highly recommended to visit Koper, Izola and Piran. Compared to the Croatian coast, which is considered more fashionable these days, the coast of Slovenia is much easier for Hungarians to reach. In the small towns on the coast, you can get to know Venetian-style buildings reminiscent of Rome, local gastronomic specialties, and the famous hospitality of the locals.

Swimming, snorkeling, and diving are also possible in the sparkling clean Mediterranean Sea, but hikers can also relax, as there is also the option of hiking and cycling. Slovenia is also a perfect choice for families with small children, for whom it is not optional to travel longer distances. 

And for those who come specifically for the beach, it is recommended to look for accommodation in the towns on the coast, as you won't miss such attractions as the Skocjan cave, the Vipava wine region, or the Lipica stud. Due to the location of some cities, it is especially worthwhile to cycle around the cities. This hiking option is also facilitated by the fact that there are many places where you can rent a bicycle. It fills people with strange feelings when they cycle along the promenades lined with birch trees and past the Church of St. John the Baptist. 


The Slovenian capital, as part of World Heritage, was transformed into a truly big city by the buildings created at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. During this period, Ljubljana became a truly modern city. Among the buildings designed by one of the most famous architects, there are dizzying structures such as the national library, churches, markets and even a cemetery, which is an unsurpassed example of grace architecture.

Saint Nicholas Cathedral was built in the Baroque style in the 18th century. in the middle of the century. The first sources mentioned it in 1262. Its original state was characterized by Romanesque architectural styles, but due to an unfortunate fire, it was given Gothic elements after the renovation. During subsequent restorations, it was given the style features of the given era, so you can also discover the Baroque. Because of the frescoes, it is definitely worth admiring from the inside.

Those who enter Slovenia at the Hungarian border are immediately greeted by a huge lavender farm at Dobronak, one part of which is a tropical garden. It is interesting that approximately 160 varieties of orchids can be seen in their own environment. One of the most visited locations is Lake Bled. The coastline itself is 6 kilometers long. The mystical island of Bled makes the lake really intriguing. In this place, you can also visit the Church of Our Lady, which stands at the highest point of the island.

Skocjan cave - one of the most beautiful attractions in Slovenia

The Skocjan cave is located approximately 40 kilometers from the coast. The cave system is the largest cave system in Europe, formed by the Reka river. Given the weather conditions here, it could have formed due to acid rain, and because of this, the hollows are constantly being deepened. Guides and tour guides are available with three itineraries, of course with pre-arranged times. The first takes you through the Skocjan Cave, the second is a trip between the Reka River and the outside world, and the third runs above the surface of the earth.

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